SASC Healthcare Services Price Transparency

    CPT Code DescriptionPrice
    45385 Colonscopy w/removal of tumor or polyp$5,076
    43239EGD w/biopsy $4,835
    45380 Colonoscopy w/biopsy$5,076
    43248EGD w/dilation$3,618
    64635Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation 1st level$2,268
    64636Lumbar Radiofrequency Ablation addtl level$1,620
    62321Cervical Epidural Steroid injection$1,782
    62323Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection$1,620
    64479Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Injection 1st level$1,620
    64480Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Injection addtl level$1,620
    64483Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Injection 1st level$2,052
    64484Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Injection addtl level$1,620
    64490Cervical Facet Joint injection 1st level$1,620
    64491Cervical Facet Joint Injection 2nd level$1,620
    64491Cervical Facet Joint Injection 2nd level$1,620
    64491Cervical Facet Joint Injection 2nd level$1,620
    64492Cervical Facet Joint Injection 3rd level $1,620
    64493Lumbar Facet Joint Injection 1st level $1,620
    64494Lumbar Facet Joint Injection 2nd level$1,620
    64495Lumbar Facet Joint Injection 3rd level$1,620
    64520Lumbar or Thoracic Paravertebral Sympathetic Nerve block$1,620
    64624Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation$2,160
    64633Cervical Radiofrequency Ablation 1st level$2,484
    64634Cervical Radiofrequency Ablation additional level $1,620
    G0260SI Joint Injection$2,160

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